Tuesday, November 16, 2010


October ended very quickly and November is almost half over. The things I love about noctober:

lattice pies, toasted pumpkin seeds dusted with salt, mittens and gloves. Hay rides, Indian corn, cinnamon, and socks. Hand-outlined turkey shapes, Pilgrim hats, and jack-o-lanterns made of construction paper and Elmer's Glue. Seeing breath.
Doggie sweaters, tumbling gourd centerpieces, and knee-high zip-up boots. Tailgating, grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches, mugs and thermoses. Sharpened pencils, vests, knee-high socks and back-to-school plaid. Corduroy, fishnets, and Wicked Essie nail polish. Cranberries. Suede-patched blazers, pea-coats, scarves and cold noses.
Brooms, outlines of black cats, hot caramel apple cider, walnut honey bars, layers. Mud, boots, leaves, chowder, and candy corns. Orange. Apple pies, roasted chicken, stuffing. Velvet, suede, leather, and argyle. Hot coffee, eggplant, rust, and forest.

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