Sunday, December 13, 2009

You Know Your A Mom When....

When you can do almost anything one handed; including typing and preparing meals!
When your husband says to you "babe, you have spit up all over your shirt" and you say nonchalantly "I know" and have known it was there for hours and didn't care.
When you have serious conversations about poop.
When shaving has become a luxury. Hey you barely have time to shower let alone actually shave while your in there!
When you don't want strangers to even look at your new baby for fears that just them breathing in his direction will cause him to catch something.
When your 19 students say "We'll be his mommy and you can be his big sister" and for a moment it sounds like a good idea.
When you leave your new baby even if its just for an hour or 2 with daddy and you feel incredibly guilty. Because you know...he's so little he needs his mommy!
When the slightest grunt, fart, or wiggle wakes you up.
When you finally feel like you have purpose.
and lastly
When you experience love like you never knew existed before; each time you look into his eyes...or see him smile...or waiting for the first time he tells you he loves you...and when you can’t imagine life or anything like it without your child. That's when you know your a mom.

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