Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mr. is an All Star....

Dear Ian,

You have an all-star Dad. No really, you do.
When I first met him, I knew he was the kind of man I wanted to raise a bunch of littles along side.
And after you were born, I knew I would be the happiest Mommy alive if you had his kindness, his selflessness, and of course, his smiles.

Your Apa always told me…..

And I did just that, married a man who I would proud to have a son exactly alike!

I know you won’t turn out exactly like your Dad.
And I wouldn’t want you to.
You will have your own qualities that make you great.
But when you become a Dad, I hope you remember
that it’s the little things that matter most.

Being a super star Daddy means…
letting you wear your birthday suit around the house until bedtime
allowing you to eat popsicles for breakfast way more often then I would like
letting you be his trainer yelling numbers at him as you lay on his back and he does push-ups
playing trains and playdoh after a long day at the office
sneaking kisses while you lay fast asleep
changing poopy diapers without complaining, not even once

Teaching you how to bake, and lets you crack the eggs
playing your favorite songs on the radio in the car and dancing with you in the kitchen
building a couch cushion fort after a long day of work
knowing what foods you like, your favorite play dough shapes, and your most ticklish spots

Aside from the fact that he made my knees wobble whenever our eyes met,
I married your Dad because I knew he would love you more than life itself.

I knew he would not only show up, he would be truly present at every milestone of your life.
I knew that he would make you feel loved, and he would never be afraid to say those three magic words:
I love you.

I knew he would be the kind of Dad that every kid deserves.
And I hope you always know how lucky you are to have him.

Love, Mommy

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